About the Position
The Student Trustee has the responsibility of representing all Morton College students as a non-voting member of the Morton College Board of Trustees. This position is highly sought-after on our campus and requires strong commitment, dedication and energy of the student. While the position is demanding, it is also an extremely rewarding experience.
By law, colleges are required to have student representation on the Board of Trustees governing the institution. This position, Student Trustee, is not only important to administration but also to the students.
Eligible students may apply for the position by completing an application form. One student trustee will be elected by the student body. The student trustee’s first responsibility is to attend the April Board of Trustees meeting.
Contact your Student Trustee at student.trustee@yxdnkj.net.
Student Trustee candidates must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or greater as determined by the Office of Admissions and Records at the time the application is submitted
- Be enrolled in a minimum of nine credit hours at Morton College
- Be enrolled in their second semester at Morton College
- Have no student code of conduct record
- Agree to serve a full term (April 2019 to April 2020)
- Complete and submit an application by the deadline
- Download the application and information form (PDF)
- Petition for the office by acquiring at least 50 signatures from current Morton College students
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a Morton College faculty member or administrator
- Submit all the above to the Student Activities Office by the deadline
- Participate in a debate(s) (publicized by the Student Activities Office) at an open forum where students may ask questions of the applicant
Duties of the Student Member of the Board of Trustees are as stipulated in the Illinois Public Community College Act, Chapter 110, Act 805, Paragraph 3, Section 7-24:
The nonvoting student member shall have all of the privileges of membership, including the right to make and second motions and to attend executive sessions, other than the right to vote.
Further, it shall be the duty of the Student Member of the Board of Trustees to:
- Abide by and uphold all Board Policies, State regulations and statutes
- Attend and participate in all regular and special meetings of the Board of Trustees
- Render an advisory vote on all matters brought to the Board of Trustees for approval
- Represent the views and opinions of the student body and the Student Association
- Report to the Student Association on actions taken by the Board of Trustees at its meetings
Terms of Office
The Student Trustee will serve a term of office of one year beginning on April 15 and ending on April 15 of the following year. The student must be able to fulfill the year-long term.
The student trustee shall be limited to a one-year term and may not be re-elected.
The Student Trustee is elected at large by plurality vote of the voting students in the Morton College district. Each Morton College student is allowed one vote to vote for only one candidate. The winner of the election is whichever candidate represents a plurality of voters, that is, whoever received the largest number of votes.
Campus-wide elections are held the first Wednesday of April. Voting takes place on the Panther Portal. Online voting opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 8 p.m.
- College Scholarship to cover tuition
- Opportunity to travel to a variety of conferences state and nationwide
- Leadership Opportunities